Wednesday, January 14, 2009

N is for Nothing

Some bright spark in my family suggested I photograph nothing for the letter N. I thought that was quite a clever idea and being the creative person I am thought I'd give it ago. I concentrated mainly on DOF, composition and lighting and think I did a pretty good job.

I do however, accept that some will see this as a complete and utter cop-out so here's my proper pic for today. I had intended for this one to be in colour but I pressed a wrong button by accident and everything turned black and white and I quite liked the result. Plus I was having trouble with the shadow and it doesn't stand out quite so much in black and white so maybe that'll be my cop-out for today.

And just to clarify, the coin from yesterday is currently in use and features a well-known Maori carving.


  1. Nothing:
    Very nice idea! xD

    I like it that you cut in half,
    it's not easy to do that well,
    and doesn't work all the time, but i really like it, worked out very well. :D
    Just maybe a little bit brighter would be nice.
    Xaromir. :)

  2. Nothing sure is something! ha ha I like the numbers shot a lot and think showing only part of it was brilliant

  3. You had me think for a second that you were 'out' :)

    Philosophically I can not agree though. Is a lack of light 'nothing'? Then there would be nothing in my skull. See, it's actually on an existential level that I can not agree.

    But I like the numbers.

  4. I love 2 things in your job:
    1st: your sense of humour (my favorite)
    2nd: your sense of simplicity.
    This second is important item for all people that want to send any message with images.
    And it is what we can see in all your gallery.
    Excellent coletion!!! Congrats.
    (And thanks a lot for your presence in my blog. Your comments are very much important for me!)

  5. Capturing nothing in an interesting way is the hardest thing to do.
    If I translate numbers into time ... time is also hard to capture. Both photos go very well together.

  6. I peered closely into your Nothing.
    The depth and clarity of the black is outstanding.
    Congrats on your sense of humour!

    The Numbers one is crispy and sort of - numbery. Hm!

    Thanks for making me laugh :-)

  7. Ha! funny picture.

    The shot of nothing is quite clever too! ;-)

  8. I have to say that I liked the nothing idea, although I did kinda think it wasn't really in the spirit of the game, but it did count, really. Like that painting of an all-white canvas that sold for heaps! ;-) Great sense of humour, and it would have taken you some measure of effort to frame and post it!

    The numbers one is great. Crisp and clean and clear, and the off-edge composition is interesting and effective. Nice job all round on both!

  9. Well done I was about to photoshop and contrast the hell out of it to see what I could find but then I saw your numbers pic and I really like it great composition on both :)

  10. LOL!!! I died laughing when I saw your thumbnail! I think its a stroke of genius, and I would not have considered it to be a cop out at all!
    I do however, LOVE your watch photo!

  11. Are you sure it's nothing? Looks like a blind panther under a canopy of jungle leaves at midnight to me... :) Love the crop on the watch shot, the b&w makes it look so elegant.

  12. N is for nice! I love the number shapes and the composition. Works very nicely in B&W.
