Tuesday, January 6, 2009

F is for....

So I have this plan. Day six. The letter F. Now what could I photograph? Of course, Ferrero Rocher. Brilliant! Nice textured surface, should come out well - unless of course there are none left! I can't think who's been munching them!! So after a hunt around the house I come up with something different and since it's not obvious I thought you'd like to guess what it is :-)

.....and because lmorrow has guessed what it is ALREADY! I suggest that if you still want to play, that you guess before reading the comments.


  1. A wonderful collection of macro ABc's so far I am enjoying your shots a lot!

  2. I never look at the others comments before I do mine, it's much better that way.
    I've never seen anything like this, I'm taking a wild guess at some sort of orange flavoured confectionery. It looks like it has icing sugar sprinkled on top. As it must start with an F - I'm a bit lost.
    The composition is well thought out and darn, it does look good enough to eat!

  3. I would never have guessed it! I figured it was some exotic pastry that I had never heard of before :P

  4. I'd never have got that, being an Englishman and all, what? I was thinking frosted something..
    Anyway, photo critique... Um... Awesome Again As Always, no wait we're on 'F' so it should be Friggin Fantastic Foto! ;-)

  5. One more great picture hit the world. Well, instead of Rocher I'd go for Raffaelo to prove proficiency in shooting white on white :)

  6. Never would have guessed in a million years. I kept thinking it looked like a dried up doughnut....no "f's" there...
    Its a great shot -
    I love how you think outside the box on your pics!

  7. I was looking at this picture for many minutes. First, admiring the quality: all in here is amazing: the color, the composition, the components... Then I tryed to find out this that help me to associate with the letter "F". A bit more time after I discover: F to "flavour". It´s what I feel when look to this beautiful picture.
    If I´m wrong, I agree with MrNelson: F for "Friggin Fantastic F(ph)oto"!!!
    Congrats again!

  8. I knew it was a fruit loop but at first I thought you might have forgoten what it was :)
    fabulous foto

  9. Food! I thought it was the leftover bits of a Cheezel, but couldn't imagine how you could say that started with F. Anyway, great lighting and a wonderful result. Great job!

    Don't you hate it when your plans get sideswiped?!?!

  10. I like many others had no idea what this was, now I know , it's that much more wonderful!

  11. I had no idea it was a fruitloop! I was trying to make it a fig. :P

    Nice bright white background really makes this stand out. You've got an awesome gallery so far.

  12. Fantastic foto of food! LOL. Actually I was thinking it was a fortune cookie but couldn't see the paper.
