Tuesday, January 13, 2009

M is for Money

....a New Zealand 20c piece to be more precise.


  1. This is perfect in black and white....the detail is very very nice

  2. What the hell kind of money is that? ;-)
    I love this shot, and what I really liked was not only does the coin look great (Plus it's a really interesting coin) but also when I viewed full I could see just the tiniest bit of texture from the paper you used as the background.

  3. You made our money look good!
    Lovely composition and details.

  4. What an unusual looking coin, I like the way you've only shown part of it.
    Lovely theme, you're going like a house on fire!

  5. Old one or new one? :-) Nice shot, very detailed.

  6. Wow, great antique coin and dito photo. Is it still in use? What a difference with our modern euro's.

  7. Oh, crap, I just wrote a whole comment here, and then pressed Newer Post instead of Post Comment and wiped the whole thing away! Bother. Now, what did I say?!??!

    Oh, yes, I think this one is great. Your lovely clean white background (yes, very white!) and the crisp clarity of the coin are fantastic. I love that the reflection in the top edge of the coin of your background or reflector makes it look concave, like those ancient curved coins from Asia that were concave so that they stacked easily.
    And I love that off-edge composition. Very nicely done and very intriguing! Well done.
