Friday, January 9, 2009

I in for Ink

I'm not sure what I think about today's picture but it was the best of the bunch. It's ink dropped in water. When I was reading through the letter I in my dictionary yesterday I came to realize how old my dictionary is. It doesn't have the word "internet"!!!


  1. AWESOME ink shot... BEAUTIFUL job...


  2. Purple ink....mmmmmmmmm!!!
    It's a bit blurry but just LOVE the colour.

  3. This would be easier with a pet squid!

    This is such a cool shot, I'd love to know how you set such a thing up, lighting, containers and the like.

    It's mesmerising!

  4. I love these type of pictures, especially when you haven't decided to tell us what we should see in them. We get to make up our own mind what we see there, kind of like our own rorshach test. I don't care if it's a tiny bit blurry as the adventure of looking at it is what counts for me this time.

    I see a racehouse, crossing a jump, belching steam out of its nose and mouth.

  5. This is sooo cool! Also on my wishlist as in things I want to try one day. I'm with Judy on the settings question.

  6. I see MrN's horse too, and it's beautiful. Love this a lot! Very well done!

  7. I love how you think outside of the box to come up with your alphabet! I would have thought..."I is for Ice Cube." I never would have come up with INK - and never would have thought to display it this way!
    Your gallery is too much fun!

  8. Another fantastic shot! I am betting on a lot of trophees for you this year..

  9. I've always loved this ink abstract pictures, but I've never done one! This is a good example and good inspiration! :-)

  10. Hehe...I see the horse too!
    If I could favorite this, I would:D
