Friday, January 30, 2009

Kitchen Abstract

I suppose most of us get these days during the challenge. Whatever we shoot doesn't come out to our liking.

It wouldn't be so bad except that today's is supposed to be a tribute to Kookaburra and her Kitchen Abstracts. So to make up for a less than successful shot (I really don't like the reflection), I've done another one which I like much better but is not quite so in keeping with my theme.

One more day to go!! Yes I know I've done 30 days but there's still one more left in January and it doesn't seem right to leave it out. And in case anyone is going to use my theme for the final contest or HxH you might be interested in the following:

Lucinder Calligraphy


  1. I really like both these, although I feel you could have done with a little more light on the background of the first one. I don't think there is any problem with those refletions. I think it looks great!

    And why do you not feel the second one belongs in your gallery!?!? It's stunning! Too stunning for words. The colours all go together so well and I think it makes a perfect addition to your gallery! Very nicely done!
    And you are too kind giving out your text secrets! What a girl. Good idea, and I shall have to do the same when I post tonight...

  2. They are both very nice, I do prefer the coloured one and think its a great fit with your theme.

    Now that's a good idea telling us your text details. :-)
    I am planning on doing the 31 days (although I haven't done the 30th yet).

  3. I like them both, and think you're being a bit too hard on yourself. Took me ages to work out what the first one was...LOL
    The second is so lovely and bright, a fitting tribute to Kooka and her coloursome kitchen.
    Your whole gallery is so neat and tidy, it shows me what sort of person you must be :-)

  4. Both of these are great additions to your gallery! I have enjoyed all your shots you should be very proud.

  5. I love your bright plates!!! I dont know what the other one is??? I live them both...and thanks for giving us two to see today!!!
    I finally found out that if I sign in anonymous, I can comment at work!! Whoot!

  6. The second kitchen abstract is so pretty and striking. Is that a plate? Plastic container covers?
